Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 Goals

Yet again it's been forever since I've posted. I'm going to try something new for the next year - setting 2009 goals.

Personal Goals
- Stick to the budget W. and I have come up with
- Start paying down our debt.
- Increase our savings cushion.
- Save for one big family vacation this year.
- Blog once per week at least.
- Do a personal journal entry once per week at least.
- Continue looking for growth opportunities at work.

Stitching Goals
- Finish Villa Mirabilia (currently about 1/2 done)
- Finish Lady of the Mist (currently about 1/4 done)
- Start Venetian Opulence
- Start Share the Love
- Start any TW (The Guardian maybe?)

Reading Goals
- Read ALA's Newbery Award winners
- Read 50 additional books on my Good Reads 'To Read' list.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


You turned seven years old last Saturday. I can't believe I'm the mom of a seven year old! We have been through so much together, and in some ways it seems like you just got here. You constantly amaze me. You are so sweet and loving with everyone you meet. You are amazing at science and math, and not so great at reading :) I'm hoping you'll learn to love reading like I do. You love to help with your baby sister, and you are the best playmate for your brother.

You are not only learning, you are teaching as well. You are my first born, and every day you teach me how to be a parent. Everything always has, and always will be new with you. You have taught me compassion, patience and how to be a better person. You have made me dream and reach for things I never thought possible. You challenge and amaze me every day.

I love you Bubba. You are my son-shine, and I couldn't be prouder of my beautiful boy.


Sunday, May 18, 2008


We went to the wedding last night, and all I can say is OMG. It was gorgeous! Amazing, beautiful, awesome. When you first walked in there was the reception line and a living sculpture. A woman was dressed as tree and was handing out drinks. It was strange yet fun. The cake was in the ballroom and was absolutely gorgeous. It was covered in white fondue, with black scroll work. I think there was 6 or 7 tiers. There were beautiful red roses on the top. The bride and groom had everyone get their pictures taken, and they are going to be sending copies of their pictures to the guests. I'll be sure to post the copy once I get it. There was a bar room, dining room, lounge area, tent and porch as well.

I was afraid of not fitting in, of making a fool of myself. The dress I picked out actually blended in beautifully. All of hubby's coworkers were gracious, sweet, funny. We actually gave a lift to one of his coworkers, and she was just about the sweetest girl. The bride's dress was a gorgeously beaded sari with white, gold, and red. The food was delicious, hors d'oeuvres fantastic, the band was great and I had an amazing time! The had this garlicy cheese puff on toast that was to die for. I told hubby that a part of me wished I knew how to make it, but it would probably take hours to do and I could eat it in about 5 minutes. All in all I had so much fun :) I'm so glad hubby found this job, and I hope he keeps it.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Sorry the pictures are horrible, but I've been saying over and over I was going to get some up, so I took some quickies. The first is Mirabilia's Lady of the Mist:

Then we have Doop Design's My mother My Friend.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


The one issue with a peon job is boredom. I have been at my current job for almost two years. I am so freaking bored. It's a struggle to get through the day. A part of me wants to find another job, but then a part of me doesn't want to give up my vacation time. The department I'm in has a huge turnover rate because the burnout is tremendous. I'm just frustrated and feel trapped.

On the upside, my baby brother and his family are coming to visit in August! I'm going to get to meet my niece for the first time, and they will meet my daughter for the first time as well. I'm really excited. I grew up surrounded by family and it's very important to me. The only reason we moved to this state was to be close to my mom, but my brothers both live in the state I grew up in. I miss having them around. The older we get the better we get along. I want my kids to know their Aunts, Uncles and cousins like I did.

On a parting note - if you haven't tried Ben and Jerry's, "Imagine Whirled Peace" go and get thee some. It's to *die* for.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Well now

I'm trying to quit smoking. Again. Seeing as how I've never been very succesful, I'm not that optimistic. I haven't blogged in forever and I'm kind of at a loss as to where to start. I'm trying out blogger again because it seems like it is a little more friendly for those of us that aren't HTML wizards. I wish it had the ability to password protect posts, but I haven't really used that feature. I guess I'll reevaluate if that need comes up again. I've got a ton of pictures of the kids, you can see them on my Flickr. I'm also going to try and take some pics of my WIP's. I've got a Miribilia and a Doop designs.

I'll be getting my mothers day present next week. Hubby got me a mother's ring now that we are done having kidlets. They are custom setting and sizing it, hence me getting it after the day. I'm really excited.

We are going to a big fancy wedding reception for W's boss. I'm completely scared. I'm a blue collar girl and the idea of a society soiree makes me want to puke. On the other hand, I got a gorgeous dress for it! I got it from Igigi and I love it. They exclusively cater to plus size women, and the clothes are beautiful. I can't rave enough about the fit or the workmanship. I feel pretty wearing it. I'll have to post pictures after the event.

I'm going to close out for now, but hopefully I will get back in the blogging swing.