Friday, July 16, 2004

Friday Five!!

First for those keeping track, baby appt went good.  HB in the 150's, I have to go on Monday for my 1 hour glucouse test (ugh) and they didn't give me the drink beforehand so I get to drink the nasty stuff and sit for an hour so they can poke me (double ugh)  Oh well =)  Now on to the Friday five!
1. What color ink pen do you like best?  
Black gel ink, fine point pens
2. Do you prefer plain paper or paper with lines (notebook paper)?  
With lines!!  I don't know, oddly I'm anal about my office supplies.  I hate to have my writing slant across the paper, hence the lines :)
3. What's better: books from the library, or reading online?
Library (well technically book store for me.  I love to reread my books, so owning it is actually a good investment).  There's nothing like the smell and feel of a good book (yes I'm odd, I like the smell of books.)  A 'page-turner' doesn't have the same meaning in an online book. 
4. Which would you rather get, e-mail or snail mail? 
both?  I love the instant communication of e-mail, yet nothing matches the excitement of opening my mail and seeing something for me that isn't asking for money!  It's kind of sad, but it's beginning to seem like snail mail is becoming a lost art.  I haven't had a good letter since my best friend got out of the military!
5. Do you have a paper weight on your desk?
No, but I have plenty of other 'crap' laying around to pin paper down with :) 

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Random ramblings and observations...

As I'm having yet another bout of preggers insomnia, here's some of what's going on.
We got to see A. again last Friday.  The U/S tech said everything looks good, so that's a huge relief.  Of course, me being me I'm going to worry until the kid pops.  Which I just peeked at my blog and I realize I already said this... Yay pregnancy brain :)  I have an OB appt tomorrow at 7am... I hate those early morning appts, but at least this way DH gets to go too!  I think we're down to only three or four weeks left of school, and then it's my 'summer' vacation :)  Well at least for a couple more months till A. arrives.  DH is still looking for a better job (yes still!!)  He keeps getting turned down for college kids they can pay pennies to.  I guess in this market it doesn't pay to have experience.  Oh well only 5ish more years till I'm in grad school :)  (hopefully on an assistanceship so I can bring money in too!!)   I really need to stop watching television.  I'm so hormonal I disgust myself.  I'm crying at commercials.  Commercials!!!!  I remember when I used to be sane.  I miss that :)  B. is such a boy :)  Such a stubborn honery boy!!  I wish I knew how to get through his thick little skull.  Right now his answer to everything is why not? and he does not listen to mommy or daddy with out threat of bodily harm!!!  Please, please tell me this is a phase.  If nothing else only 15 years until he can enter the military :)  I wonder if I can preregister for that??   I think I bombed a stats test today.  It was all my fault, I should have studied this weekend, but I left it until today.  I tried studying today, but B. decided it was use mommy as a jungle gym day, and it's not exactly easy memorizing formulas while you have a 3 year old monkey hanging from your neck.  (when I say monkey I mean my child is making monkey noises, insisting I call him monkey boy and literally swinging from my neck.  No more animal channel for that little man!)  Ok, as it is almost midnight and I do have that 7 am appt I better try and sleep!

**edited to add**  I think it's a bad sign that I'm already impatient for this pregnancy to be over and I still have 15 weeks left.  Good Lord, give me strength!


On a quick little side note....I like Descartes a little less now that I know he was responsible for the Cartesian Plane.  Bad math bad.
I think therefore I am
This statement kind of makes sense.  On one hand, it would be reasonable to assume that because you are thinking there is some sort of consiousness that *is*.  On the other hand, if you are nothing more than an illusion, or a pawn of some evil demon, how do you know that the fact that you think is enough to justify your existence?  Frankly I think the idea of a 'Light of Nature' is phooey, but I'll get into that later. 
Oddly enough, I've thought about this off and on since I was about 7.  I just didn't have a name before.  Do you ever get the feeling that you are the only 'real' thing out there?  I've often gotten a really odd feeling that I'm wandering around in some kind of dream where all the other people/things are nothing more than my own made up illusions.  Yet if this were a dream you would think I could imagine myself a mansion and convertible to come with it....  Do I honestly believe I am the only *real* thing here, no.  But it is interesting to think about.
God is Perfect and Infinite, Existence is Perfection
This is where I have my huge gripe with Descartes.  (Note** The following does not reflect my personal beliefs, which are just that....personal.  The following is just a reaction to the reading and my perception of Descartes' arguement.)  First of all, how do you know God is perfect?  As far as I know, everything we know about God has been handed down by man.  The Bible was written by men, every other religous text I've read was written by men.  Granted one could argue that they were 'inspired' by God, yet even with that point.  This leads to the fact that men are in fact fallible.  Even Decartes admits this.  If men are fallible, is it not possible that they made mistakes while writing down these religous notations?  Now I'm sorry, but unless Descartes had a conversation directly with God, and had it tape recorded, his arguement holds no water.  For example the evil demon mentioned earlier could have fed him that 'Light of Nature' claptrap which would throw his whole meditations out the window...  For that matter, what if God is perfect, yet is not kind or good?  Perfection does not automatically assume goodness.  In this case God could be perfectly decieving you, because he thinks that is what's good (or just because it's his idea of fun...).  I think my statement that Philosophy is the athiests religeon still holds water.  I was with Descartes until he threw God into the mixture.  It seems to me like he painted himself into a mental jail and used God as his 'get out of jail free' card...