Friday, September 24, 2004

You should be happy

I am so tired of being told how I should be feeling. "You should be happy your son just has to grow in order to come home...." "You should be happy that he has the best care..." "You should be happy you have the children you do have..." Fuck you. I am happy my son is as healthy as he is, I still want him home. I am happy he has good nurses and docs, I am still his mother and want to care for him. I am thrilled with my sons, but am still entitled to mourn the fact that I will most likely never have children again. I don't need to be told how to feel from anyone.

Monday, September 20, 2004


For those who don't know, my son A. was born on 9-9-04. For those doing the math that's 7 weeks early. He's doing well, weight is almost 4 lbs now, and supposedly just has to get the hang of eating and then he can come home. Will update more as time allows....