Saturday, January 24, 2004


Saw this on Prinn's blog, I got blue =)


You give your love and friendship unconditionaly. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.

Find out your color at Quiz Me!

Friday, January 23, 2004


I've got one!! and I'm about to burst I want to tell someone so badly, but that would ruin it!!ARGHHH!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The Time Has Come....

The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes- and ships- and sealing wax-
Of cabbages- and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot-
And whether pigs have wings."

I love this poem, and Lewis Carrol :) It fits my mood tonight. I'm in a very "Alice In Wonderland" mood. I have seen several stitchers entries on the state of the union, and all I've got to say is bah. I liked Prinn's notion best (see Perle Moon) in that she has her opinion and it's not worth arguing over...I agree. I have my opinion and no one is going to change that. Nope not going to publish it here, cuz I don't even want to discuss it. =)

In other news =) a stitcher from the TWBB really made my night tonight. It seems kind of silly that something as simple as an e-mail can perk up my day. She said she really respected all that I'm juggling right now (which almost made me laugh considering how much she has on her plate!!) It came at just the right time, because I was starting to get down about how chaotic my life is. Deep down I know school is worth it, I really love going. It makes me feel alive to be fed all of this information. I have this niggling little voice that sits in the back of my head giving me doubts, making me second guess myself. Luckily, I have a *very* supportive husband, and all of the people on the TWBB are incredibly supportive!

I had my stats class tonight, I think I'm going to hurt my teacher :P The last class she had, she went very fast (which I love!) This class, she went sooooo slow I had to fight to stay awake. Now this is the meek little mouse teacher, so she is either finally getting comfortable with this class, or someone complained about the lightning fast pace. A part of me disagrees with it if someone complained. This is college, if you can't meet the standards you shouldn't be there. It sounds kind of harsh to put it that way, but I always thought that once you reached college the days of classes being taught to the lowest commondenominatorr were over. You could either do it, or you couldn't. I don't mean to sound cruel here. The last thing I want is to imply I'm superior to anyone. I probably just have a skewed view of higher education =) Completely possible as my views are always slightly off, it's part of my charm darn it!

I'd like to ponder the joys of my two year old for a moment =) He polyurethaned my monitor today. How did he get polyurethane you ask? Well my husband does wood burning, and uses an oil based polyurethane to protect the results. He had a work area set up in our dining room (which we never use as a dining room, long story) The dining room is onlyaccessiblee when I'm in the kitchen, we keep it blocked off at all other times. Well my too smart for his own good son, snuck in the dining room while I was fixing dinner, stole the polyurethane (in a spray can) and snuck upstairs to the den. I went searching when the house got quiet (always a sign of trouble with a toddler) and wah lah....schellacked monitors. Moral of the story folks....Rubbingalcoholl does remove oil based polyurethanes from monitors.... Thank you Wendy =) We got the boys hair cut this weekend and he looks so much older!! It amazes me how much he has grown. A part of me is so proud of the big boy he is becoming, and another part of me wants to keep him my baby forever. Oh well the joys of being amommye. Well I better run, as DH wants my computer (yay *I* have the good puter now =) )

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Things I love.

Since my last couple of entries were me bi*ching I thought I would list some things I love...
I love that if my son is hurt or upset, I am the one he runs to.
I love that my husband got me flowers, just because I made Dean's List.
I love that my anniversary is coming up and just about a week.
I love that I'm in school.
I love the Wendy's Chicken BLT salad.
I love the way my son cuddles.
I love the way he makes *me* put him in bed.
I love being close to my mom.
I love financial aid checks in the mail.
I love that my mom thinks my cross stitch is beautiful.
I love the fact that I woke up this morning (even if it was way too early!)
I love the fact that even though it's cold enough to freeze a well digger's rear off, the sun is shining.
I love my poor little rosebush that I planted last summer.
I love the blue of a sky in the middle of summer.
I love that my husband spoils me rotton =)
I love to remember all that I have, instead of dwelling on all that I don't.

Monday, January 19, 2004

More Changes...

Ok, the last template was just too upbeat for my current mood, so I'm changing again =) This is much more subdued and fits my mid-winter blues....adjustments still to be made.


I'm so tired. I'm tired of winter, of having no colors, of the gray salt splattered view of the world. I'm tired of being cold. I really need to move someplace warmer. If I could find somewhere where the average temperature (except for Christmas Day) is about 75 I would be in heaven. Of course I still want my white Christmas =)

DH and I bought Bruce Allmighty yesterday. I *loved* it. It was so funny and still wasn't fluffy. I had my first full day of weekend classes on Saturday also. I think I'm a glutton for punishment. I also forsee my blogging and internet time diminishing quickly (not to mention stitching.)

We've bought our first pack of 'training' pants for DS, he had an accident last night (expected) but has done well so far today, lets keep our fingers crossed!