Thursday, May 15, 2008


The one issue with a peon job is boredom. I have been at my current job for almost two years. I am so freaking bored. It's a struggle to get through the day. A part of me wants to find another job, but then a part of me doesn't want to give up my vacation time. The department I'm in has a huge turnover rate because the burnout is tremendous. I'm just frustrated and feel trapped.

On the upside, my baby brother and his family are coming to visit in August! I'm going to get to meet my niece for the first time, and they will meet my daughter for the first time as well. I'm really excited. I grew up surrounded by family and it's very important to me. The only reason we moved to this state was to be close to my mom, but my brothers both live in the state I grew up in. I miss having them around. The older we get the better we get along. I want my kids to know their Aunts, Uncles and cousins like I did.

On a parting note - if you haven't tried Ben and Jerry's, "Imagine Whirled Peace" go and get thee some. It's to *die* for.

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