Saturday, June 03, 2006


I've been trying to teach myself HTML on my break. I had this 'great' idea that I was going to learn it, make this awesome webpage, update photos regularly, incorporate my blog, etc... All in my spare time. Yea. Oh well it was a good idea. I'm beginning to get frustrated. I have so many things I want to do, and so very little time to do it. I want to stitch beautiful (huge) pieces that I can showcase in my home. I want to read every book that is even remotely interesting. I want to graduate as near to the top as I can. I want to knit beautiful afghans. I want to garden. I want to design and maintain a warm, welcoming home. I want to be a succesful, respected professional. I want to be a wonderful mother and wife.

The problem with all of these wants is while they aren't all mutally exclusive, they do require time and energy. For instance, the more I concentrate on school, the less stitching and fun reading I can do. The more I concentrate on the house, the less time I have for everything else. For better or worse, there is only 24 hours in a day. I guess the best solution would be to get rid of some interests and focus on one until I actually accomplish something (anything!)

The problem with that is I become bored too easily. For instance, I started Villa Mirabilia after my miscarriage in January. I stopped a couple of months ago because I got into reading again and haven't touched in since. As for the house thing, I'm a horrible housekeeper. I've tried Flylady, and it didn't work. Well it might have worked if I hadn't gotten so worked up in the process and planning that I didn't get around to actually doing. Oh well maybe one day I will discover it's possible to survive on no sleep and will finally be able to put a dent in my dreams.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

It's said that nobody ever laid on their deathbed wishing they'd spent more time at work (or on housework)....