Monday, October 11, 2004


Hubby is away for a week. The snot is at a conference, in Orlando. Snot. We won't delve into the supreme unfairness of him being in sunny Florida for a week, while I'm in freezing Ohio with a rampaging three year old and a newborn. I'm just bitter cuz I couldn't go too :P Speaking of which, you would think I'd be sleeping right now with a newborn downstairs and the three year old sleeping (peacefully?... We let him watch some Halloween shows on Disney and now he's terrified of cows and pumpkins. I'd really like to know what he's thinking sometimes. I mean I get the pumpkins, but cows?) Unfortunately I don't sleep well without hubby in the house. I get paranoid at the noises, bumps and things in the night. Which is odd in and of itself considering hubby is a weinie (sp?). I love the guy but I'm the one who is the head bug killer and noise investigator in the family, but I still get jumpy when he's not here.

In other news, I figured out that I can go part time with the aid I've been awarded already. Good because I don't have to deal with the mind bending policies of the aid office, bad because I would be taking the two ugh classes (conflict management and evolution and society.....hey they fufill LER requirements :P ) and missing the two classes I really wanted (abnormal psych, and Intro to formal logic) I wanted the logic course because 1. it gets me out of my math requirement and 2. I really liked my last Philosophy class. On the other hand, if I can't take it this semester, I might be able to get it with the same teacher I had for my last Philosophy class. I'm going to see if I can get the additional aid (with a minimum of fuss) this week, and if not.... I'll just take the two Saturday classes and they can reward me with additional money after they see our glorious tax returns next year. (Can you say woo hoo? Gooooooooood.....)

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