All right. I'm a bad Bee, I admit it. I promised to update y'all a month ago. Whip me with a wet noodle. Anyway a lot has gone on, mainly with jobs. It seems that Ohio is the land of the cursed with my family. We keep getting these "great" jobs, that keep disappearing. Money is very very scarce right now. Oh well. As I don't want a pity party, on to good news!
My boys are great! B2 is a tank of a 3 1/2 year old. We had him in to the Dr. last weekend (strep, my poor boy!) and he's 48 lbs, and around 50". He's huge! The kid is going to be taller than I am by the time he's 5 (and I'm 5'7"!!!) Other than the strep and a bad case of the 'kindergarden crud' as my husband calls it, he's as healthy as a horse. Emotionally things are a little rocky with him, only because he is so pushing his limits. I swear this kid will never take no for an answer. I suppose the trait could be useful in his adulthood, but there are some days I feel like ripping out chunks of hair and fleeing stark naked down the street. (How's that for a visual image!) A is doing awesome as well. Last month my little porker was up to 12 lbs! (Hey it's impressive when you remember he was 3 lbs. 13 oz.) I'll find out his current weight tonight at his monthly RSV vaccination (which is coincidently the only preemie related health issue we're dealing with.) I love to see the differences in my boys. B2 looks like me, dark hair dark eyes, but has his dad's personality (very outgoing, exuburent). A on the other hand looks like mom and my husband, very blonde, pale, bright blue eyes, yet he has my temperment. He's so introspective and he's only 5 months!! He will literally sit for hours holding my finger and studying it! B2 grins all the time, but when A grins, you feel like you've earned something. W (DH) has made a joke the B2 will be enlisted, while A is officer material. That's about it for now, I will try and get more pics of the boys up, but I'm making no promises as our digital camera has apparently grown legs (and we're on dial up. I *hate* dial up)
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