I'm trying to quit smoking. Again. Seeing as how I've never been very succesful, I'm not that optimistic. I haven't blogged in forever and I'm kind of at a loss as to where to start. I'm trying out blogger again because it seems like it is a little more friendly for those of us that aren't HTML wizards. I wish it had the ability to password protect posts, but I haven't really used that feature. I guess I'll reevaluate if that need comes up again. I've got a ton of pictures of the kids, you can see them on my Flickr. I'm also going to try and take some pics of my WIP's. I've got a Miribilia and a Doop designs.
I'll be getting my mothers day present next week. Hubby got me a mother's ring now that we are done having kidlets. They are custom setting and sizing it, hence me getting it after the day. I'm really excited.
We are going to a big fancy wedding reception for W's boss. I'm completely scared. I'm a blue collar girl and the idea of a society soiree makes me want to puke. On the other hand, I got a gorgeous dress for it! I got it from
Igigi and I love it. They exclusively cater to plus size women, and the clothes are beautiful. I can't rave enough about the fit or the workmanship. I feel pretty wearing it. I'll have to post pictures after the event.
I'm going to close out for now, but hopefully I will get back in the blogging swing.