Saturday, January 10, 2004
New Shoes...
I'm not a 'girly' girl, never have been. I would much rather lounge around in a comfy flannel and sweats than get all dolled up. But...I got new shoes today and I'm actually happy :) More specifically I got new sneakers, which thrills me to no end cuz my old ones the soles were half off. Of course that's my own fault because I have the bad habit of taking them off by stepping on the back of them (sorry mom!) We were at the mall today and Payless was having a buy 2 get one free sale so the whole family got new shoes!! We also ate lunch at an authentic Mexican restaurant! I love *real* Mexican food. My best friend took me to one of her family reunions and her Mexican grandmother is the best cook :) She also spoiled me for life on the food. I will admit it, I am a food snob. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, it just has to be done right! Come to think of it, some of the best food I've ever had is in the cheap hole in the wall restaurants :) We also went to JoAnn's because I needed some more needles (don't ask me where they go, I think I have a needle hoarding pixie in my living room) and DH told me to get the DMC stitchbow travel kit, which is soooo cool! I love new toys! And tomorrow we are going and getting me a new light so I can actually see when I stitch at night :) There was a jewelry store going out of business in the mall, so out of curiosity we went in to browse. DH really needs a new wedding band. The one we bought when we got married was really cheap and it shows. So we are looking and I asked to see a diamond ring. It was huge! I asked her the price.....$50,000, discounted to 10K! I almost choked. I have never been near anything that expensive before! Honestly, it was gorgeous, but why would you spend that much money on jewelry? It doesn't serve any purpose. At least with my cross stitching, it's a productive hobby *and* something beautiful. Oh well :) Oh and we got this really pretty frame for my Dean's List certificate. After some creative folding (it was 8.5" x 11" and is now in an 8 x 10" frame) it is in and looks impressive :) I am so proud of me, and it's awesome. It's been a long time since I have felt this sense of self pride and accomplishment :) Yay me!
Thursday, January 08, 2004
I'm in kind of a blah mood today. Not really good, not really bad, just there... Obviously I haven't figured out the comments thingy, oh well. Maybe I'll see if my DH can figure it out. On the up side, I found my Rush C.D.'s and am listening blissfully to Hemispheres as I type :) I was talking with DH last night and reminiscing about my 'wild' single days. Granted I was never really wild, unless you compare it to my stay at home mom existence now. I remember my best friend and I going out to the bars every Saturday and listening to cover bands :) Some great, some ok (but cute enough to make up for their mediocrity!) A large part of me misses those days, yet I still realize that it wouldn't be the same if I went back. I mean, none of us are single anymore, a couple of us have kids. I would like to be closer to them again. We don't know anyone here except my family. Neither DH or myself are good at making friends :) I love being close to my mom though. It's great for DS, and she is one of my best friends. It's funny, we never really fought like I've heard that mothers and daughters do. When I was in the 'wild' days, she even came down and went out with me and my best friend. I suppose that's enough living in the past for one day :) I'm going to go back to my stitching. I told DH last night that it figures I wouldn't get into a stitching mood until right before school starts :P I'm working on Sweet Dreams by Lavender and Lace, and it's sooooo pretty :) Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
I'm baaaaaaaack!
:) Christmas was wonderful! DS was absolutely spoiled by Grandma-Claus (as DH likes to put it) We also got a great surprise for New Years, my baby brother! Well ok, he's 23 so he's not really a baby, but it was so great to see him! I haven't really seen him since he got out of the Navy. I've got all my books for the next semester (yay!) and they were even cheaper than I expected so I was able to get all my supplies then too. Well I gave blood last night and my arm doesn't like me for typing yet, so this will be it for now :) Now off to see if I can turn the silly comments thingy on :)
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