Friday, April 30, 2004

I just realized that it's been a while since I've done an update on life in general (and I'm avoiding a paper **gasp** isn't that a shocker???) so here goes. School is Like I've said before, ever since finding out about this pregnancy I just haven't been able to concentrate on it. Let's just say I won't be making the dean's list this semester :/. B. is doing great. He is the typical two year old terror. Ever since the finger cutting incident, he has turned into the biggest hypocondriac. :) Anyone who will sit still for two minutes has to hear about his 'owie' It's cute, but boy is he milking it for all it's worth! DH and I are doing well (thanks to those who were asking about it.) I think a majority of the arguements were do to him freaking out about the idea of a new baby. Luckily he has come around and is very excited (still hoping for daddy's little girl) We are hoping to do a mini vacation in the beginning of June. We are thinking of going to either Gettysburg or back to Chicago so I can show him were I grew up (and I can get some of that great food I've been craving!) In baby news, everything seems to be going fine. My next appointment is May 11, with the new OB's and I think I've felt the bub moving!! I say I think because it seems insanely early, but then again I've heard that you recognize it earlier with your second child. I've also 'popped' I feel huge (and it doesn't make it any better that I know I'm going to keep growing!) I told DH that I remembered being this big when I had B! oh well, par for the course as they say. The kitties are doing good, although mr. Vlad is working his way to an early death. There must be something in the air because the little poop takes every chance he gets to shoot out the door like a bolt of lightening. It doesn't help that we have a very independant (and inattentive!) two year old who doesn't pay attention to the kitties when he opens the door. I think that's about everything, so back to the paper I go!
Since the archives are down at Friday Five (and WG used the one I used last week so I can't copy hers :) ) I'll do the stitchers five for the week!
1. Which do you prefer, Kits or Charts?

2. Why?
I hate, hate, hate sorting the thread. It is almost never in any dicernable order. I would much rather get to stitching than try and figure out the difference between forty different types of blue.

3. How do you organise your materials before you stitch
Not very well :) I have the floss boxes and bobbined floss, but I'm trying to get into the DMC stitchbow system, with one project at a time kitted up and stitching it.

4. Do you do anything to the sides of your fabric before starting?
I don't do anything, my LNS serges the edges for me, and I've fallen in love with Silkweaver (got my first piece this week!!!)

5. What do you do with the leftovers when your done?
put in back in my ever growing pile of stash (bad TWBB enablers, Bad!!!!!)