Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I think I need an internet timeout. In the past two days I've perused several internet shops and come up with a wishlist that I couldn't afford even if I won the lottery, e-mailed a complete stranger after reading her blog (and looking back I'm not sure I formed coherent sentences. There should be a rule about post partum rambling somewhere. No e-mails until brain is fully functional again.). Damn Franklin Covey's website for putting up the design your own planner website thing. I have a weakness for calanders/planners/office supplies. I now am drooling over a $75 planner. $75!!! So new resolutions will be 1. no internet stores. ever. and 2. confine my weird rambling thoughts to my own blog, so if others don't care to be baraged they don't need to be.

A update: He's doing well, eating like a little piggy. I'm guesstimating he's about 6 lbs now, as he's fitting in his brothers old preemie clothes. I had to buy real bottles yesterday, as he's now drinking (on average) about two of the NICU bottles per feeding. I'm letting him pretty much feed on demand, so he's up about twice during the night and about every 2-3 hours during the day. B2 is handling his new brother *so* well. I'm amazed at how caring and considerate he has been. I expected holy hell from him, especially because I remember what *I* did when my middle brother came home. Hubby is still in Orlando. I still don't like hubby right now. On the other hand he said he got me a present, so he may have (slightly) redeemed himself. Yes I'm being childish, no I don't particularly give a shit. Here's a weird little thing I noticed today. The numb area from my section almost goes up to my belly button. Didn't you always want to know that?

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