the school saddle that is. I'm supposed to register the day before my would have been due date. I went through yesterday and picked the classes I want. I picked out 4, my usual 'full time' schedule. A part of me is filled with a sense of dread and inadequacy.... Can I really do full time classes, and have as much family time as I want, with both a 5 month old and a three year old? Another part of me knows that if I don't jump in with both feet, I might never jump. So now the million dollar question is can I convince my financial aid office that without me working we aren't making the amount of money listed on our tax return? Sounds relatively simple, but you have never dealt with my financial aid department. I think the polite way to describe them would be that they are 'special.' So if I can't convince them of the obvious, the whole idea of school is out the window. Another part of me is wondering at the wisdom of modern medicine. A. had his doctors appt., and because of his prematurity he has qualified for the RSV shots. These shots are horrendously expensive (about 1K a shot, thank G_d for insurance) and given monthly throughout the season. The doc has also recommended isolation for A. throughout the winter. A part of me wonders if this is all necessary. A. had no breathing problems while in the NICU. In fact, the only problem he presented with (other than jaundice, which full term babies are susceptible to as well) was mastering the suck/swallow/breath combo necessary for eating. I was talking to my mom, and we both agree that part of the reason that children get so sick now-a-days is the fact that most mothers tend to shrink wrap their kids from birth. Kids get sick, it's a fact of life. Then parents wonder why they get soooo sick when they start school. I will follow the doc's advice, because I don't want A. to end up back in the hospital. I just hope that my 'isolating' my son from the general populace doesn't turn around and bite him (and me) in the rear in the future.
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