Thursday, July 15, 2004

Random ramblings and observations...

As I'm having yet another bout of preggers insomnia, here's some of what's going on.
We got to see A. again last Friday.  The U/S tech said everything looks good, so that's a huge relief.  Of course, me being me I'm going to worry until the kid pops.  Which I just peeked at my blog and I realize I already said this... Yay pregnancy brain :)  I have an OB appt tomorrow at 7am... I hate those early morning appts, but at least this way DH gets to go too!  I think we're down to only three or four weeks left of school, and then it's my 'summer' vacation :)  Well at least for a couple more months till A. arrives.  DH is still looking for a better job (yes still!!)  He keeps getting turned down for college kids they can pay pennies to.  I guess in this market it doesn't pay to have experience.  Oh well only 5ish more years till I'm in grad school :)  (hopefully on an assistanceship so I can bring money in too!!)   I really need to stop watching television.  I'm so hormonal I disgust myself.  I'm crying at commercials.  Commercials!!!!  I remember when I used to be sane.  I miss that :)  B. is such a boy :)  Such a stubborn honery boy!!  I wish I knew how to get through his thick little skull.  Right now his answer to everything is why not? and he does not listen to mommy or daddy with out threat of bodily harm!!!  Please, please tell me this is a phase.  If nothing else only 15 years until he can enter the military :)  I wonder if I can preregister for that??   I think I bombed a stats test today.  It was all my fault, I should have studied this weekend, but I left it until today.  I tried studying today, but B. decided it was use mommy as a jungle gym day, and it's not exactly easy memorizing formulas while you have a 3 year old monkey hanging from your neck.  (when I say monkey I mean my child is making monkey noises, insisting I call him monkey boy and literally swinging from my neck.  No more animal channel for that little man!)  Ok, as it is almost midnight and I do have that 7 am appt I better try and sleep!

**edited to add**  I think it's a bad sign that I'm already impatient for this pregnancy to be over and I still have 15 weeks left.  Good Lord, give me strength!

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